This book Maktûbât was written by Hadrat al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Mujaddid al-Alf ath-Thânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî, who was a great 'âlim of Islam and an endless ocean of ma'ârif of tasawwuf. This work also is in Persian, and it has been translated into Urdu. It tells about îmân and taqwâ. Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî's Maktûbât, is comprised of 536 letters in three volumes. The first, second and third volumes cantain 313, 99 and 124 letters, respectively. Its last edition was published in two volumes in Pakistan in 1972, and it was photostaticaly reproduced by our bookstore in Istanbul in 1977.
Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî passed away in 1034 A.H. (1624) in Sirhind.
3-MUNTAKHABAT (Maktubat-i imam-i Rabbani)
This volume, Muntakhabât consists of 151 letters selected from the book Maktûbât (Letters Collection) of the great 'alim of Islam Hadrat al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî. The first, second and third volumes of the book Maktûbât contains 313, 99 and 124 letters, respectively. Because the informations about tasawwuf in the majority of these 536 letters explain the ahwâl and ma'ârif of awliyâ', there is the danger of misunderstanding them. Therefore 151 letters containing informations about îmân and ibâdât have been selected to from this volume titled Muntakhabât. The text is Persian.
4-MUNTAKHABAT (Maktubat-i Masumiyya) and Maslak-i Mujaddid
In this volume, two separate works are presented:
The first one, Muntakhabât, is a collection of 161 out of the 652 letters in Maktûbât by al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî's third son Hadrat Muhammad Ma'sûm, who was a great 'âlim and a great walî. All the letters are in Persian. Hadrat Muhammad Ma'sûm's Maktûbât is comprised of three consecutive volumes, containing 239, 158 and 255 letters, respectively. This work, Muntakhabât, covers Islamic belief (i'tiqâd), Islamic ethics, fiqh and tasawwuf teachings.
The second one, Maslak-i Mujaddid, is a collection of sample writings in various subjects dealt in Maktûbât by Hadrat al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Mujaddid al-Alf ath-Thânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî, who was a great 'âlim of Islam and an endless ocean of ma'ârif of tasawwuf. This work also is in Persian, and it has been translated into Urdu. It tells about îmân and taqwâ. Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî's Maktûbât, too, is comprised of 536 letters in three volumes. The first, second and third volumes cantain 313, 99 and 124 letters, respectively. Its last edition was published in two volumes in Pakistan in 1972, and it was photostaticaly reproduced by Işık Kitabevi in Istanbul in 1977. Muhammad Ma'sûm's Maktûbât was published in Pakistan in 1976. Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî passed away in 1034 A.H. (1624), and Muhammad Ma'sûm passed away in 1079 A.H. (1667).
This volume consists of two books:
1-The book Mabda wa Ma'âd is the work of great scholar of Islâm Hadrat al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Mujaddid al-Alf ath-Thânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî as-Sirhindî. His invaluable writings on tasawwuf, i'tiqâd and especially on the Attributes of Allâhu ta'âlâ were compiled under this title by his disciple Muhammad Siddîq al-Badakhshî in 1019 A.H. The first edition was made in Pakistan in 1968.
2-The book Ta'yîd-i Ahl-i Sunna was written in Persian by great scholar al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Mujaddid al-Alf ath-Thânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî as-Sirhindî in India. It deals with the superiorities and excellences of as-Sahâbat al-kirâm and Ahl al-Bait.
The both books are in Persian and they also contain some Arabic passages.
This book Kimya-yi Sa'âdat was written by the profound scholar Imâm-i Muhammad Ghazalî. It deals with man and is spirit here on the earth and hereafter. Imâm-i Muhammad Ghazalî was born in the city of Tûs, that is Mashad, in 450 [1059], and died there in 505 [1111]. He wrote many books. If you calculate, you can see that he wrote ten pages every day of his lifetime. This book of him is Persian.
This book, Riyâd-un nâsihîn, was written in hijri year 835 [1432] by Muhammad Rabhâmî, one of the savants in India, and was published in Bombay city in hijri 1313 [1895]. It is a collection of the pieces of information derived from four hundred and forty-four of the most valuable Islamic books. It discourses on Islamic beliefs and worships, good and bad habits, and affirms that it is necessary to do good to all creatures.
The book Mekâtîb-i sharîfa by Abdullah-i Dahlawî, a great scholar of India, says that firstly, every Muslim should beleive in the same way as reported by Ahl-i sunnat scholars; then worship following one of the four madhhabs, i.e. should do the commandments and avoid the prohibitions; then receive fayd (blessings) from the hearts of the great men of tasawwuf. Advices by Khalid-i Baghdâdî, a great saint and a specialist of the knowledge related to heart and soul, are appended to it. Abdullah-i Dahlawî passed away in 1240/1824 A.D. in Delhi, and two years later, Mewlânâ Khalid in Damascus. The text is in Persian.
This book, Durr-ul me’ârif, covers information about belief, Islamic sciences, ethics and tasawwuf. The name of the book means "Pearl of ma’rifa (knowledge of higher degree)". The author of the book, Shah Rauf Ahmad Mujaddidî, is one of the great awliyâ educated by Hadrat Abdullah-i Dahlawî. In the book he wrote what he heard from his master during his monthly sohbat. Rauf Ahmad is a descendant of Muhammed Yahya, the youngest son of Imâm-i Rabbânî. He was martyred in the sea while on the way to Hajj in 1253 (1837). The book was reprinted by offset in Istanbul in 1394 (m. 1974). The book is in Persian.
The works Radd-i Wahhâbî and Saif al-abrâr in this volume prove well-documentedly that the islamic group called Wahhâbî are corrupt and heretical, that all Muslims have to unite at the divine, true beliefs called Ahl as-Sunna, and that those who depart from the Ahl as-Sunna beliefs are destined to calamity and to the tortures in Hell. In addition, it is proved in view of âyats and hadîths that, in order to be of Ahl as-Sunna, it is necessary to follow one of the four famous madhhabs, that the one who does not follow one of these four madhhabs or wants to bring about a fifth madhhab by collecting the easy aspects of these four madhhabs has no connection with Ahl as-Sunna and will be led to calamity and Hell. The texts are Persian as they were first published in India.
This book, Al-usûl-ul-erbe'a fî terdîd-il-wahhâbiyya, is in Persian, and contains some Arabic passeges. It gives examples from the beliefs held by those people called Wahhâbi, and proves by evidences that they are wrong.
This Persian work, Barakât-i Ahmadiyya, consists of the biography of great Islamic scholar al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî, that of his master and those of some of his disciples.
This work, Miftâh an-najât, was writtten by Ahmad Nâmiqî Jâmî. He was one of the 'ulamâ' of Khurasân and passed away in 536 A.H. (1142). His work is composed of seven parts giving information on:
Îmân and tawhîd in the first part;
Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l-Jamâ'at in the second part;
Tawba in the third part;
Direction in tâ'at and 'ibâdat in the fourth part;
Having good intention in mubahs and earning in the fifth part;
Qanâat and ridâ in the sixth part;
Being sâlih and sâdiq in the seventh part.
A Protestant priest wrote a book titled Mizân al-haqq and therein shamelessly slandered Islam, especially the exalted Prophet of Islam. In refutation to this book, Najaf 'Alî Tabrîzî wrote the book Mîzân al-mawâzîn in 1287 A.H. (1870), gave documented responses to the priest's writings, which were devoid of knowledge, decency and morals and proved that the religion of Islâm is the illuminated path leading men to felicity.
This book, Maqâmât al-Mazhariyya, by Abdullâh-i Dahlawî, a great Islâmic 'alim of India, gives information about tasawwuf in detail and about the life, karâmât and advice of his teacher, great walî Mazhar-i Jân-i Jânân. Abdullâh-i Dahlawî passed away in 1240 (1824 A.C.) and his master in 1195 (1781 A.C.). Their graves are side by side in Delhi. The book includes four additional chapters. The first chapter gives information about the life, karâmât, advice and some of the students of Abdullâh-i Dahlawî, by Abdulghânî, who passed away in 1296 (1879 A.C.) in Madina-i munawwara, a descendant of Imâm-i Rabbânî Mujaddid-i alf-i thânî. The second chapter is Râh-i Najât, and the third chapter is Jannatî Gurûh. The fourth is a part from the book Ashi'at-ul-lama'ât by Abdulhaq-i Dahlawî. All of them give information about the value of Ahl-as-Sunna belief.
This volume, consisting of the books Menâhij al-ibâd and Umdat al-Islâm, explains, the teachings of belief (îmân) and practice (ibâda). The first book's title means “The madhhabs in ibâda”. The author is Muhammad ibn Ahmad Sa'îd ad-dîn al-Farghânî, a disciple of Najîb ad-dîn 'Ali ash-Shîrâzî. He attained knowledge also from Sadr ad-dîn al-Qonawî and passed away in 691 [1292 A.D.]. In this book, rules of fiqh are explained according to the four madhhabs, and detailed information on tasawwuf and good morals in given. The present text has been taken from the original hand-written copy that is registered with the number 97/1437 in the section of “Emîniyye” at the Library of Sultan Orhân Khân mosque in Bursa and has been authenticated with the other two hand-written copies at the Suleymâniye Library in Istanbul. Muhammad bin Idrîs Bidlîsî, an Ottoman scholar, translated this book from Persian into Turkish and entitled Madârij al-i'tiqâd. The second book was written by Abdul' Azîz bin Hamîdullah, one of the Indian scholars. He passed away in 741 [1340 A.D.]. Abdurrahman bin Yûsuf translated it into Turkish 950 [1543 A.D.] and entitled Imâd-ul-Islâm which was printed in Istanbul in 1920. Both of the books are Persian.
This book, Tuhfa-i ithnâ 'ashariyya, was written by 'Abd al-'Azîz ad-Dahlawî, one of the scholars of India who passed away in Delhi in 1239 A.H. (1824). In this work, he explained how the heretical group called "Shî'a" or "Râfidî" had appeared; how they had separated into subgroups; the harm they have done to Islam and to Muslims; and the inner aspect of their beliefs. The text is in Persian.
This book, Al-Mu'tamad fil-mu'taqad, was written by Fadlullah Turpushtî, a great scholar of Hanafî Madhhab, who passed away in 661 (A.D. 1263). It explains the belief of Ahl as-sunna and some other Islamic knowladge. Imâm-i Rabbânî mujaddid-i alf-i thânî Ahmad Fârûqî advices and praises this book. The book is reknown as Risâla-i Turpushtî. It is in Persian language.
This work contains three books, Huqûq-al-islâm, Mâ-lâ-budda minhu and Tazkirat-al-mawtâ wal-qubûr by Qâdî Muhammad Thanâ-ullâh Pânî-putî, a great Islâmic scholar who passed away in the city of Pânî-put in India 1225 [1810 A.D.]. They explain the creed of Ahl-as-sunnat wa'l-jamâ'at and islamic morals.
This work, Masmûât, is consisted of the words of hadrat Ubaidullâh-i Ahrâr, a great scholar and man of tasawwuf of Turkistan. It was compelled by hadrat Qâdi Muhammad Zâhid, a disciple of his. The book is registered at the Es'ad Efendi section of Suleymaniyye Public Library in Istanbul. It is in Persian language.
This work, (Targib as-salât wa taysir al-ahkâm) is a fiqh book. It deals with the knowledge on ablution and salât. It has been compiled from 106 authoritative books. It is a must for every Muslim to read and learn it. A great scholar and great walî Imâm-i Rabbâni Mujaddid-i Alf-i Thâni Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindî praises and advices this book in his book Maktûbât (third volume, seventeenth letter.) The book has been written by Muhammad bin Ahmad Zâhid in India. He passed away in 632 (A.D. 1234). The original copy of the book is in Nur-i Osmaniyya Library in Istanbul. The Book is in Persian language.
This work, Enîs at-tâlibîn wa Uddat as-sâlikîn, was written by Salâh bin Mubârak Bukhari. It explains the greatness and karamâts of Hadrat Bahaaddîn Bukharî, a great scholar and man of tasawwuf of Bukhara and one of the profound alims of sofiyya-i aliyya, and lived in the 8th hegira century. The book is in Persian language.
This book (Shawâhid an-nubuwwa) deals with the supreme morales and miracles of our Prophet “sall Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam”, as the witness and evidences of his prophethood (nubuwwa), before and after his blessed birth, and during his prophethood, including his Ahl al-Bait and as-Sahabat al-kirâm and narrations and karâmat of some of those who follow them. It is one of the most valuable books of its kind ever written. The author of the book is the great ‘âlim and wali Hadrat Abdurrahman Jâmî, also wel known as Molla Jâmî. Born in Jâm town of Iran in Hijrî 817 (Milâdî 1417), he passed away in Hijrî 898 (Milâdî 1492) in Herat. This edition has been printed by comparing the printed and handwritten versions of the book.
This book (Umdat al-maqâmât)has been written by Hâcı Muhammad Fadlullah Sirhindî Fâruqî, one of the scolars and awliyâ of India; who passed away in 1238 (1823 A. D.).
It relates briefly the highness, words and lives of great awliyâ and ârifs from the time of our Prophet to Hadrat Imâm ar- Rabbânî; and it narrates in detail about the awliyâ and ârifs together with their khalîfas and descendants who lived from the time of Imam-i Rabbânî to his time. The book is in Persian
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